

We use hash algorithms to make sure that an attachment is the one we directly provide to users and that it has not been maliciously changed by others. You may use a verification tool to see if an attachment’s hash value matches its hash verification code listed on this website (please remember to use SHA-256). Thank you.

序號 檔案名稱 雜湊值驗證碼
1 提案概述表-30萬元組(new)_20140925_20141002114307.doc 4DEA2818AECE44403A94584DC0C4913E81C26E2CCAB7B9425CC6CDC4EC3852E3
2 提案概述表-15萬元組(new)_20141001_20141002114319.doc 8785634F138795483CB809571E85B442921F3AFBD0013B4F5B707AD63E2006B8